Presentation Area

The first camellias in the collection to be planted were the group of around seventy plants in the formal gardens. The International Camellia Society held its biennial conference in Falmouth in 1976 and on the afternoon of 7th April a group of the delegates met at Mt Edgcumbe to plant the first of a planned thousand or so Camellias.
They seem mostly to still be there though I don’t have a full list of what was originally planted. They are quite closely spaced and it is perhaps convenient that conditions here are not great for camellias, limiting their growth considerably.

I have a list of names from a check I made in 2016, with 57 plants on it. I counted 58 today (Nov 2019) but am not certain of the number. I will try to match names and plants as they flower through the coming season.

Anticipation x 4
Beatrice Michael x 2
Bells x 4
Bowen Bryant
Brigadoon x 4
Contessa Samailoff
Donation x 3
E G Waterhouse x 2
Elizabeth de Rothschild x 4
Elsie Jury x 5
Golden Spangles
Grand Jury
Inspiration x 4
J C Williams x 2
John Pickthorn
Lady’s Maid x 3
Mary Jobson x 2
Pink Wave
Plymouth Beauty
Rosemary Williams x 4
Sayonara x 2
St Ewe x 2
Wilber Foss

According to the collection records the following varieties were in this area but I was not able to verify their presence in 2016; perhaps they were gone, perhaps they were unlabelled.

Cornish Snow
Edwin H Folk
Gloire de Nantes
Little Lavender
Marjorie Magnificent